The Boredom Zone

The Boredom Zone

Last Updated 12/25/04.
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7/26/06 -- Resurrected?

Well... I'm home from my mission in Pennsylvania. It stinking rocked. Best two years ever. But, that's a story for another time.

Right now the question at hand is what the heck I do with this thing. Frankly I don't have the same desire at the moment to write random things that I had two years ago. That may come with time. But the fact that Neep is dead or something and is no longer hosting everything for me, I have to totally redo the whole site. Which is going to be hard because I don't remember anything about "computers" or "websites" or "anything at all in real life". Maybe once I learn how the internet works again things will start to happen here. Or I might even just throw the whole thing away and start some sort of useful website.

7/21/05 -- Over the Hump

A message from Ryan.

Holy sweet kangaroo beef, has it been a year already? It totally snuck up on me. And yet, at the same time, it feels like I've never done anything else. As if the first nineteen years of my life were like a movie I saw or a book I read, and this is actually all I do. But boy, is this a blast. I'm seeing miracles occur everyday and learning a lot about people, psychology, life, work, and a whole slew of other things. I'm looking forward to another year of it, providing I neither die nor become apostate..

Everyone stay cool, if anyone even ever reads this junk anymore. You know what, now that I think about it, I could probably say anything I want right here since I'll bet no one ever visits this dump in the first place, even when I was working on it regularly. So.... who likes frisbee? Man, this is pointless. If anyone ever reads this make sure you drop me a line at because you win a prize.


--Elder Moriarty

1/21/05 -- Updating by Proxy

A message from Ryan.

I didn't think I would be updating anything while I was gone, but Jeanne has been entrusted with the keys of The Boredom Zone and she is a good steward. I'm not allowed to do anything on a computer but email (which is a kick in the shorts in itself) so she should be putting this up for me somewhere close to the appropriate day.

January 21 is my six month mark, which means I'll be back in action in 18 months. I'm currently in the small town of Waynesboro, PA, and loving every second. I didn't think I would have so much fun preaching the good word, but it turns out this is the greatest thing ever. I'm out from 10:00 to 9:00 everyday bringing a message to people that has blessed my life tremendously. A lot of people aren't interested in talking to us or even looking us in the eyes, but we do find people looking for answers.

Anyway, don't worry about me, this rocks. I would encourage each and every one of you to visit to get a little look at what I'm bringing to people. I miss all of my buddies and I hope everyone is as well as I am.

--Elder Moriarty


Merry Christmas from Mojo


Goodbye, Ryan

Ryan gave me free reign. Let the tyranny begin. I'm eventually going to add a link with updates about Ryan and his letters here, but for now, let us remember Ryan as the classy guy he was...


Goodbye, Cruel World

Apparently I had more to keep me occupied for two weeks than I expected. Unfortunately, I was unable to get around to putting another update up. I know, dry your tears.

Seriously though, this really is the last update The Boredom Zone will ever see. I've bestowed the responsibility upon Jeanne to log in every once in a while to keep everything hosted, so if you come by and the site's gone, channel your rage in her general direction. And if you're lucky, I'll be able to email her something once in a while to put here.

So anyway, goodbye, Boredom Zone. Richi, cuantos bendiciones. Always. Julianna, take care of Richi, make sure he's not here when I get home. Jeanne, thanks for entertaining me whenever I asked. Rosie, Kristina, Heather, I expect lots of cookies. Matt, keep on backstabbing. Mike, I'll look for your letters every day. Charly, don't you ever forget Moon's class. Josh and Tug, I want to get owned at Halo when I get home. DSF guys, don't change your AIM names. I'm going to leave your names on here so you can !google each other in this direction.

I still don't know if I will be able to email people, but if you'd like to try to keep in touch then go ahead and send me an email. Until August 2006... so long.

Addendum: At the request of Neep:


Maybe I Spoke Too Soon

I've been unemployed for nearly two weeks now. I've filled the void up until now with games that I decided I needed to finish before I leave (Zelda: Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, WC3 The Frozen Throne, Mega Man Anniversary Collection), but now I'm running out of stuff to pass the time. In my desperation, I turn to that which protected me from boredom two long summers ago: my website.

While cleaning my room to start packing my life away, I came across some pictures that I deemed site-worthy. This might not be the last update, I've got more than two weeks left. Maybe I'll post something from a disk I found full of stories I wrote a decade ago. Or maybe I'll write something to explain in a little more detail what I'm going to be doing for the next two years. Either way, check back before the 17th, you might see something new.


Happy Anniversary! ...Sort of.

Today is the second anniversary of The Boredom Zone, and to celebrate, every section of the site has been updated (some more than others). But, that's not the real headline of the day. This update is, perhaps, the last update The Boredom Zone will ever see. In case you don't already know, my 19th birthday is coming up on July 15th. When most people turn 19, it's pretty meaningless. But I'm Mormon, and when most Mormon guys turn 19, they go on a mission. One month from today, I leave my home for Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for two years. I will not have access to a computer for those two years, making it a bit difficult to update a website. I'll probably hand off the account and password to someone to keep it online while I'm gone, but don't expect any updates. So enjoy what I've got here, because I'm signing off until July 2006.


I'm Not Dead

Just thought I'd let you know.


More for Me than for You

My web development class has prompted Family Guy @ The Boredom Zone to be created. It's looking pretty sweet so far. But other than that... Things might be quiet around here for a bit.


Drawing Blood from a Stone

It appears that Ryan's Job has retired back to it's slumber, pushing up the proverbial daisies. I'm thinking along the lines of a new job, just to spice things up around here, but considering I'm leaving this summer, is it really worth the effort? Loathing effort as I do, I think not.

In other news, I used up my surplus scholarship money on a web design course that I'm taking over the internet. I have a storied history of not feeling like doing things, so an internet course may not be in my best intrests, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet in order to save a year and a half and seven megabytes of work from going down the toilet. The course said it would be focusing on CGI and JavaScript, so I'm crossing my fingers that I might be able to shake things up around here. I'm also learning about Applets in Java, and I have no doubts that I will be able to exploit that skill in some way.

Anyway, Neepster suggested I point you in the direction of Ryan's Guide to Getting Girls. "It's gold," he says, "but nobody's going to find it." I have my skepticisms as to who actually reads the news, but I'll cross my fingers.


Merry Christmas

This morning I decided to put up some gaudy Christmas colors. I hope nobody's eyes bleed too much. But the REAL Christmas surprise is my pages will no longer jump down to the middle upon loading. You see, I did this because the navigation table on the left is an iframe, which is a window within a window. Unfortunately Freeservers admins are nazis, so they wouldn't let me take the ad banner out. So I just set it to move to the bottom of the table upon loading. But not anymore... Because the table is now hosted at Aberdeen University, which grants free ad-less webspace to students (and friends of students). Muchos gracias and feliz navidad to the Neep.

Also, I've put up the Ryan-Playing Game, a project I've been tinkering with for some time now. Again, thanks to Neep for hosting it.


Not for the Weak-Hearted

Yeah... this month is proving to be slightly worse than I expected. The site has never been more active, thanks to the Chronicles of Torture. I expected things to be ugly, but I never expected to be anxious about going to work because my boss is going to rip off my head and stuff paraphenalia down my throat. Anyway, if you haven't been reading the Chronicles, I suggest you go over there right now, because I've heard my suffering is very entertaining. I mean, I'm really suffering now. This is Harkins-esqe suffering. I also finally added to the Current Events after seven months of inactivity. Woo hoo.


A New Age

Everything is changed now. And, with the new format, comes some of new material. Another article has been added to Ryan's Job, and two new profiles in Cast of Characters. Cast of Characters is now password protected, because I probably shouldn't be giving out full names and pictures of people who aren't me over the internet. If you know the name of my high school, then you'll be fine. Also, a history of The Boredom Zone has been added to commemorate the new dawn of boredom.


'Bout Time!

Finally, I finished renovating the site. Well, not quite. I figure out what the problems with my iframes and css were, so now all that's left is applying it to all the pages. And that's the part that will make me wish I was dead. Also, I've retired a couple pages. Go to The Graveyard to pay your respects. After all, it is your fault they died. If only you had visited them more often...



I added an article to Ryan's Job. So... uh... just go.

Oh, and I've picked up the renovation idea again and I'm almost done. w00t.


Back to Square One

Well... my attempts to renovate the site may have officially failed. I wanted to use PHP, but then I found out Geocities doesn't support it (which I should have assumed in the first place >_<). Then I tried using iframes, but neither Geocities nor Freeservers handle them very well. I got a Brinkster account, which not only supports PHP, but has no advertising, but then I decided I don't feel like moving the whole site AGAIN. Also, the interface isn't nearly as nice as Freeservers' is. So i guess I'll have to concoct a new plan. In the meantime, Cast of Characters and Ask Ryan are a little verklempt right now, so cover your eyes when you visit them until I pull things together.


Ok, Neep, You Win...

According to Neep, the layout of my site doesn't NEARLY measure up to the quality of my content. And, I guess, he's right... there could be some different improvements. The problem is motivation: I need to start raking in more hits to make me feel like it's worth it. Perhaps someday I'll follow in the footsteps of the great Maddox and turn a site I just started because I was bored out of my rotting mind into a nightmarish level of bandwidth.


If You Think You Can Handle It...

...I've added 15 photos to Ryan's Photo Album. Some new, some from several years ago, some that have no real aesthetic value and therefore no right to be there, but I posted them anyway. Ryan's Job just might get a visit from the update fairy in the near future, so don't go far.

Email all Questions, Comments, and Complaints to me at